Individual Coaching

Coaching is personal. Coaching is one on one. Coaching a great way to feel supported.

Transformation life coaching

Life coaching with an intuitive twist. I am highly intuitive and empathic. In these sessions I connect with you heart to heart, soul to soul, to give you what you need most in that moment. This can include traditional stress management, guided meditations, visualizations, hypnotherapy, releasing trapped emotional energy, and beyond.

These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.


Reflections® Coaching

Reflections coaching is a unique blend of finding clarity of purpose, defining a direction, and clearing energy that has been blocking you from achieving your desired outcomes.

These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.


EMF Balancing

Sometimes we just want to feel better, without being “coached”. Sometimes we just want to relax, receive, and feel supported. EMF Balancing is like getting a massage for your spirit and your soul. If you want to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ‘ride’ this is for you!

These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.